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Course Overview

SQL Server Administration provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to administer SQL Server database servers effectively.

Learning Outcomes:

  • List the features of SQL Server 
  • Describe the SQL Server database architecture
  • Discuss SQL Server Security
  • Install SQL Server 
  • Configure network libraries
  • Alter databases
  • Attach and detach databases
  • Create and manage database objects like tables, constraints, indexes, stored 
  • procedures, triggers and views.
  • Manage Users, Groups, Roles, and Logins

Course Contents:

  • List the features of SQL Server 
  • Identify the operating systems that support SQL Server 
  • Describe the SQL Server database architecture
  • List database objects
  • Discuss SQL Server Security
  • Install SQL Server 
  • Upgrade to SQL Server 
  • Perform a custom upgrade
  • Configure network libraries
  • Create physical files for SQL Server databases 
  • Create file groups
  • Create databases and databases files
  • Alter databases
  • Manage database by expanding and shrinking
  • Attach and detach databases
  • Create and manage database objects like tables, constraints, indexes, stored 
  • procedures, triggers and views.
  • Alter database objects.
  • Design optimization of SQL Server Applications – Indexing, Locking
  • Import and export data. Methods include the Bulk Insert task, the bulk copy 
  • program
  • Develop and manage DTS packages 
  • Create and Manage linked servers
  • Convert data types
  • Explain Replication and the different types of replication
  • Configure Security Modes
  • Manage Users, Groups, Roles, and Logins
  • Grant,deny, or revoke permissions
  • Use Views and Stored Procedures to enhance security
  • Describe SQL Server Agent
  • Explain creating and managing Jobs and Alerts
  • Plan and execute backups –
  • Recover the system state and restore data

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