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Course Overview

The course fully covers the basics of programming in the “C++” programming language and presents the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the participant will

  • Learn what Is Object Oriented Programming
  • Learn to write C++ programs
  • Be able to explain the different components of Object Oriented Programming

Getting Started With C++

  • Define the structure of a C ++ program
  • Indentify the standard input and output function
  • Use of comments and width(), end() functions
  • Using the editor

Getting Started With C++

  • Indentify the C ++ character Set
  • Discuss the identifiers and keywords
  • Explain the various data types and qualifiers
  • Identify the C ++ variables

Operation And Expressions

  • Identify C ++ operators
  • Assignment operator
  • Arithmetic operator
  • Compound Assignment operators
  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bit-wise operators
  • Understand the  precedence and order of evaluation
  • Discuss mixed mode expressions and implicit type conversations
  • Indentify C++ shorthands

Data Types, Variables And Constants

  • Indentify the C ++ character Set
  • Discuss the identifiers and keywords
  • Explain the various data types and qualifiers
  • Indentify the C ++ variables

Discuss The Identifiers And Keywords Explain The Various Data Types And Qualifiers Indentify The C ++ Variables Program Control Statements -1

  • The if statement
  • The if…else statement
  • The if …else if …else statement
  • Simple and compound statements
  • Nested ifs
  • The switch statement
  • Nested switch

Program Control Statements -2

Indentify the interaction constructs

  • The while loop
  • The do … while loop
  • Nested while and do… while loops
  • The  for loop
  • Multiple initializations/increments in for loop

Header Files

Discus some important Header files

  • stdio.h
  • string.h
  • ctype.h
  • math.h

Basic Object – Oriented Concepts

  • Discuss the following
  • The Object- Oriented Approach
  • Drawbacks of Traditional Programming
  • Object – Oriented Programming
  • Discuss basic Object – Oriented Concepts such as
  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Properties
  • Methods
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Compare Classes with structures
  • Describe Private and Public Sections of Classes
  • Define Member Functions
  • Use the Objects and Member Functions of a class
  • Define Objects
  • Access Member Functions
  • Pass and Return Objects
  • Discuss briefly the features of C++ and another OO language( Smalltalk)

More On Classes

  • Use the scope resolution operator
  • Use dynamic memory allocation with

  • New
  • Delete

Use Pointers to objects

Define and use Constructors

Define and use Destructors

Define the ‘’Const’’ keyword

Define and use the’’ this’’ pointer

Describe how objects and functions are arranged in memory

  • Static Data Members
  • Static member Functions

Describe type conversations using

  • Converting by assignment
  • Type casting

Function Overloading And References

  • Understand the concept of functions with default arguments
  • Define and use Friend functions
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Friend classes
  • Describe function overloading
  • Various data types
  • Different number of arguments
  • Describe the scope for function overloading
  • Explain the use of reference arguments
  • Passing references to functions
  • Returning references from functions
  • Define and use Inline functions

Operator Overloading

Describe Operator Overloading

  • Unary operators
  • Binary operators
  • Binary arithmetic operators
  • Compound assignment operators
  • Comparison Operators

Describe overloading of the Assignment operator

Describe copy Constructors

Describe conversation functions which help in conversion

  • From basic types to User- Defined types
  • From User – defined types to basic types
  • Between objects of Different Classes

Identify operators that cannot be overload


  • Describe Single Inheritance
  • Describe Base classes and Derived Class
  • Access Base class members and use pointers in classes
  • Describe types of inheritance
  • Describe Constructors and Destructors  under inheritance
  • Describe how to call Member Functions of the Base Class and Derived
  • Describe Container classes

Multiple Inheritance And Polymorphism

Describe Multiple Inheritance

  • Constructors under Multiple Inheritance
  • Ambiguity in multiple inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance with a common base

Describe Virtual Base Classes

  • Constructors and Destructors

Use Pointers to objects to access Member functions

Describe Virtual functions

Describe Polymorphism

Describe Dynamic  binding

Describe pure Virtual functions

Describe Abstract classes

Describe Virtual Destructors

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