At the end of the course, the participant will
- Learn what Is Object Oriented Programming
- Learn to write C++ programs
- Be able to explain the different components of Object Oriented Programming
The course fully covers the basics of programming in the “C++” programming language and presents the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.
At the end of the course, the participant will
Indentify the interaction constructs
Discus some important Header files
Use Pointers to objects
Define and use Constructors
Define and use Destructors
Define the ‘’Const’’ keyword
Define and use the’’ this’’ pointer
Describe how objects and functions are arranged in memory
Describe type conversations using
Describe Operator Overloading
Describe overloading of the Assignment operator
Describe copy Constructors
Describe conversation functions which help in conversion
Identify operators that cannot be overload
Describe Multiple Inheritance
Describe Virtual Base Classes
Use Pointers to objects to access Member functions
Describe Virtual functions
Describe Polymorphism
Describe Dynamic binding
Describe pure Virtual functions
Describe Abstract classes
Describe Virtual Destructors
Write a public review