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Course Overview

Microsoft Word, is a word processor developed by Microsoft. MS Word is available stand-alone or as part of the Microsoft Office suite. Word contains rudimentary desktop publishing capabilities and is the most widely used word processing program in the market. Word files are commonly used as the format for sending text documents because almost every user with a computer can read a Word document by using the Word application, a Word viewer or a word processor that imports the Word format.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word, is a word processor developed by Microsoft. MS Word is available stand-alone or as part of the Microsoft Office suite. Word contains rudimentary desktop publishing capabilities and is the most widely used word processing program in the market.

Word files are commonly used as the format for sending text documents because almost every user with a computer can read a Word document by using the Word application, a Word viewer or a word processor that imports the Word format.

Create And Manage Documents

Create A Document

  • Create a blank document
  • Create a document using a template
  • Open a PDF in Word for editing

Navigating Through A Document

  • Search for text
  • Insert hyperlinks
  • Create bookmarks
  • Navigate with Headings
  • Cross-reference
  • Move to a specific locations or object in a document

Formatting A Document

  • Modify page setup
  • Apply document themes
  • Apply document style sets
  • Insert Headers and Footers
  • Insert page numbers
  • Format page background elements

Customize Options And Views For A Document

  • Change document views
  • Customize views by using zoom settings
  • Customize the quick access toolbar
  • Split the window
  • Add document properties
  • Show or hide formatting symbols

Print And Save Documents

  • Modify print settings
  • Save documents in alternative file formats
  • Print all or part of a document
  • Inspect a document for hidden properties or personal information
  • Inspect a document for accessibility issues
  • Inspect a document for compatibility issues
  • Create PDF documents

Format Text, Paragraphs, And Sections

Insert Text And Paragraphs

  • Find and replace text
  • Cut, copy, and paste text
  • Replace text by using autocorrect
  • Insert special characters

Formatting Text And Paragraphs

  • Apply font formatting
  • Apply formatting by using format painter
  • Set line and paragraph spacing and indentation
  • Clear formatting
  • Apply a text highlight color to text selections
  • Apply built-in styles to text
  • Change text to WordArt

Order And Group Text And Paragraphs

  • Format text in multiple columns
  • Insert page, section, or column breaks
  • Change page setup options for a section

Create Tables And Lists

Create A Table

  • Convert text to tables
  • Convert tables to text
  • Create a table by specifying rows and columns
  • Apply table styles

Modify A Table

  • Sort table data
  • Configure cell margins and set spacing
  • Merge and split cells
  • Resize tables, rows, and columns
  • Split tables
  • Configure a repeating row header

Create And Modify A List

  • Create a numbered or bulleted list
  • Change bullet characteristics or number formats for a list level
  • Define a custom bullet character or number format
  • Increase or decrease list levels
  • Restart or continue list numbering
  • Set starting number values

Create And Manage References

Create And Manage Reference Markers

  • Insert footnotes and endnotes
  • Modify footnote and endnote properties
  • Create bibliography citation sources
  • Modify bibliography citation sources
  • Insert citations for bibliographies
  • Insert figure and table captions
  • Modify caption properties

Create And Manage Simple References

  • Insert standard table of contents
  • Update table of contents
  • Insert cover page

Insert And Format Graphic Elements

Insert Graphic Elements

  • Insert shapes
  • Insert pictures
  • Insert screen shot or screen clipping
  • Insert text boxes

Format Graphic Elements

  • Apply artistic effects
  • Apply picture effects
  • Remove picture backgrounds
  • Format objects
  • Apply a picture style
  • Wrap text around objects
  • Position objects
  • Add alternative text to objects for accessibility

Insert And Format Smartart Graphics

  • Create a SmartArt graphic
  • Format a SmartArt graphic
  • Modify a SmartArt graphic content

Review A Document

Proofing A Document

  • Spell Check
  • Check document statistics
  • Translate content

Comments & Tracking

  • Inserting comments
  • Managing Comments
  • Track the changes
  • Manage Markups
  • Accept/ Reject changes
  • Compare & Combine Documents

Mail Merge

Preparing For Mail Merge

  • Creating a new list of recipients
  • Using an existing list of recipients
  • Using Outlook contacts
  • Editing the list of recipients

Working With Fields

  • Inserting Merge Fields
  • Inserting Greeting Line
  • Inserting Rules
  • Match Fields

Finishing Mail Merge

  • Preview documents
  • Finish & Merge

1. Individual documents

2. Print Mail Merge files

3. E-mail mail Merge files

Protect A Document

  • Formatting Restrictions
  • Editing Restrictions
  • Enforcing Protection
  • Encrypt with a password

Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program from Microsoft.PowerPoint is available stand-alone or as part of the Microsoft Office suite. It offers users many

ways to display information from simple presentations to complex multimedia presentations.

Create And Manage Presentations

Create A Presentation

  • Create a new presentation
  • Create a presentation based on a template
  • Import Word document outlines
  • Apply a theme

Insert And Format Slides

  • Insert specific slide layouts
  • Duplicate existing slides
  • Hide and unhide slides
  • Delete slides
  • Apply a different slide layout
  • Modify individual slide backgrounds
  • Insert slide headers, footers, and page numbers

Modify Slides, Handouts, And Notes

  • Change the slide master theme or background
  • Modify slide master content
  • Create a slide layout
  • Modify a slide layout
  • Modify the handout master
  • Modify the notes master

Order And Group Slides

  • Create sections
  • Modify slide order
  • Rename sections

Change Presentation Options And Views

  • Change slide size
  • Change views of a presentation
  • Set file properties

Configure A Presentation For Print

  • Print Settings
  • Print all or part of a presentation
  • Print notes pages; print handouts
  • Print in color, gray scale, or black and white

Configure And Present A Slide Show

  • Create custom slide shows
  • Configure slide show options
  • Rehearse slide show timing
  • Present a slide show by using Presenter View

Insert And Format Text, Shapes, And Images

Insert And Format Text

  • Insert text on a slide
  • Apply formatting and styles to text
  • Apply WordArt styles to text
  • Format text in multiple columns
  • Create bulleted and numbered lists
  • Insert hyperlinks

Insert And Format Shapes And Text Boxes

  • Insert or replace shapes
  • Insert text boxes, resize shapes and text boxes
  • Format shapes and text boxes
  • Apply styles to shapes and text boxes

Insert And Format Images

  • Insert images
  • Resize and crop images
  • Apply styles and effects

Order And Group Objects

  • Order objects
  • Align objects
  • Group objects
  • Display alignment tools

Insert Tables, Charts, Smartart, And Media

Insert And Format Tables

  • Create a table
  • Insert and delete table rows and columns
  • Apply table styles
  • Import a table

Insert And Format Charts

  • Create a chart
  • Import a chart
  • Change the Chart Type
  • Add a legend to a chart
  • Change the chart style of a chart

Insert And Format Smartart Graphics

  • Create SmartArt graphics
  • Convert lists to SmartArt graphics
  • Add shapes to SmartArt graphics
  • Reorder shapes in SmartArt graphics
  • Change the color of SmartArt graphics

Insert And Manage Media

  • Insert audio and video clips
  • Configure media playback options
  • Adjust media window size
  • Set the video start and stop time
  • Set media timing options

Apply Transitions And Animations

Apply Slide Transitions

  • Insert Slide Transitions
  • Set transition effect options

Animate Slide Content

  • Apply animations to objects
  • Apply animations to text
  • Set animation effect options
  • Set animation paths

Set Timing For Transitions And Animations

  • Set transition effect duration
  • Configure transition start and finish options
  • Reorder animations on a slide

Manage Multiple Presentations

Merge Content From Multiple Presentations

  • Insert slides from another presentation
  • compare two presentations
  • insert comments, review comments

Finalize Presentations

  • Protect a presentation
  • Inspect a presentation
  • Proof a presentation
  • Preserve presentation content
  • Save in different formats
  • Export presentations to other formats

Templates And Masters

Creating And Modifying Templates

  • Working with slide masters
  • Inserting Placeholders
  • Modifying backgrounds and color schemes
  • Saving templates

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager fromMicrosoft, available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. Primarily an email application, it also includes a calendar, task manager, contact manager etc.,

It can be used as a stand-alone application. Outlook mobile applications for most mobile platforms, including iOS and Android is also available.

Manage The Outlook Environment For Productivity

Customize Settings

  • Customize reply messages
  • Change text formats for all outgoing messages
  • Customize the Navigation Pane
  • Manage multiple accounts
  • Add an account

Print And Save Information

  • Print message, calendar, contact, or task information
  • Save message attachments
  • Preview attachments
  • Perform Search Operations in Outlook
  • Create new search folders

Search For Items In Messages, Tasks, Contacts, Or Calendars

  • Search by using advanced find; search by folder
  • Sort by Date, Category, Size etc.
  • Sort by Read, Unread

Manage Messages

Configure Mail Settings

  • Set fonts for new messages and responses
  • Create, assign, and modify signatures
  • Create and manage rules
  • Create automatic replies
  • Create messages by using Quick Steps
  • Configure Junk Email and Clutter settings

Create Messages

  • Create a message
  • Add or remove message attachments
  • Add cc and bcc to messages
  • Add tracking and voting options
  • Forward and reply to messages
  • Request a delivery or read receipt
  • Redirect replies
  • Flag outgoing messages for follow up, importance, and sensitivity
  • Recall a message

Format A Message

  • Format text
  • Insert hyperlinks
  • Apply themes and styles
  • Insert messages
  • Add a signature to specific messages

Organize And Manage Messages

  • Sort messages
  • Move messages between folders
  • Add new local folders
  • Apply categories
  • Clean up messages
  • Mark a message as read or unread
  • Flag received messages, ignore messages
  • Sort messages by conversation
  • Delete messages
  • Automate repetitive tasks by using Quick Steps
  • Configure basic Auto Archive settings

Manage Schedules

Create And Manage Calendars

  • Create and add calendars
  • Appointment/ Meeting
  • Adjust viewing details for calendars
  • Modify calendar time zones
  • Delete calendars
  • Manage multiple calendars
  • Manage calendar groups
  • Display multiple calendars
  • Share calendars

Create Appointments, Meetings, And Events

  • Create calendar items
  • Create recurring calendar items
  • Cancel calendar items
  • Create calendar items from messages
  • Set calendar item times
  • Set up meetings
  • Set free or busy status for calendar items

Organize And Manage Appointments, Meetings, And Events

  • Set calendar item importance
  • Forward calendar items
  • Configure reminders
  • Add participants
  • Respond to invitations
  • Update individual or recurring calendar items
  • E-mail Calendar
  • Categorize calendar items

Create And Manage Tasks

  • Create and manage tasks
  • Forward, Move, Delete Tasks
  • Set reminders
  • Assign a Task
  • Set recurrence
  • Mark as completed

Manage Contacts And Groups

  • Create and Manage Contacts
  • Create a new contact
  • Delete contacts
  • Import contacts from external sources
  • Edit contact information
  • Attach an image to a contact
  • Add tags to contacts
  • Share contacts

Create And Manage Address Books

  • Create and Manage Contact Groups
  • Create new contact groups
  • Add contacts to existing contact groups
  • Add notes to a contact group
  • Update contacts within contact groups
  • Delete contact groups
  • Delete contact group members

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and IOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables. It has been a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms. Excel has replaced Lotus 1-2-3 as the industry standard for spreadsheets. Excel forms part of the Microsoft Office suite of software.

Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letternamed columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering and financial needs.

Create And Manage Worksheets And Workbooks

Create Worksheets And Workbooks

  • Create a workbook
  • Import data from a delimited text file
  • Add a worksheet to an existing workbook
  • Copy and move a worksheet

Navigate In Worksheets And Workbooks

  • Search for data within a workbook
  • Navigate to a named cell, range, or workbook element
  • Insert and remove hyperlinks

Format Worksheets And Workbooks

  • Change worksheet tab color
  • Rename a worksheet
  • Change worksheet order
  • Modify page setup
  • Insert and delete columns or rows
  • Change Workbook themes
  • Adjust row height and column width
  • Insert headers and footers

Customize Options And Views

  • Hide or unhide worksheets
  • Hide or unhide columns and rows
  • Customize the Quick Access toolbar
  • Change workbook views
  • Change window views
  • Modify document properties
  • Change magnification by using zoom tools
  • Display formulas

Configure Worksheets And Workbooks For Distribution

  • Set a print area
  • Save workbooks in alternative file formats
  • Print all or part of a workbook
  • Set print scaling
  • Display repeating row and column titles on multiple worksheets
  • Inspect a workbook for hidden properties or personal information
  • Inspect a workbook for accessibility issues
  • Inspect a workbook for compatibility issues

Manage Data Cells And Ranges

Insert Data In Cells And Ranges

  • Replace data
  • Cut, copy, or paste data
  • Paste data by using special paste options
  • fill cells by using Auto Fill
  • Insert and delete cells

Format Cells And Ranges

  • Merge cells
  • Modify cell alignment and indentation
  • Format cells by using Format Painter
  • Wrap text within cells
  • Apply number formats
  • Apply cell formats, apply cell styles

Summarize And Organize Data

  • Insert sparklines
  • Outline data
  • Insert subtotals
  • Apply conditional formatting

Create Tables

Create And Manage Tables

  • Create an Excel table from a cell range
  • Convert a table to a cell range
  • Add or remove table rows and columns

Manage Table Styles And Options

  • Apply styles to tables
  • Configure table style options
  • Insert total rows

Filter And Sort A Table

  • Filter records
  • Sort data by multiple columns
  • Change sort order
  • Remove duplicate records

Perform Operations With Formulas And Functions

Summarize Data By Using Functions

  • Insert references
  • Perform calculations by using the SUM function
  • Perform calculations by using MIN and MAX functions
  • Perform calculations by using the COUNT function
  • Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE function

Perform Conditional Operations By Using Functions

  • Perform logical operations by using the IF function
  • Perform logical operations by using the SUMIF function
  • Perform logical operations by using the AVERAGEIF function
  • Perform statistical operations by using the COUNTIF function

Format And Modify Text By Using Functions

  • Format text by using RIGHT, LEFT, and MID functions
  • Format text by using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions
  • Format text by using the CONCATENATE function

Create Charts And Objects

Create Charts

  • Create a new chart
  • Add additional data series
  • Switch between rows and columns in source data
  • Analyze data by using Quick Analysis

Format Graphic Elements

  • Resize charts
  • Add and modify chart elements
  • Apply chart layouts and styles
  • Move charts to a chart sheet

Insert And Format Objects

  • Insert text boxes and shapes
  • Insert images
  • Modify object properties
  • Add alternative text to objects for accessibility

Microsoft Excel Advanced

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and IOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables. It has been a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms.

Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letternamed columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering and financial needs.

Manage Workbook Options And Settings

Manage Workbooks

  • Save a workbook as a template
  • Copy macros between workbooks
  • Mange Document Versions
  • Reference data in another workbook
  • Reference data by using structured references
  • Enable macros in a workbook
  • Display hidden ribbon tabsSave a workbook as a template
  • Copy macros between workbooks
  • Mange Document Versions
  • Reference data in another workbook
  • Reference data by using structured references
  • Enable macros in a workbook
  • Display hidden ribbon tabs

Manage Workbook Review

  • Restrict editing
  • Protect a worksheet
  • Configure formula calculation options
  • Protect workbook structure
  • Mange workbook versions
  • Encrypt workbooks with a password

Apply Custom Data Formats And Layouts

Apply Custom Data Formats And Validation

  • Create custom number formats
  • Populate cells by using advanced Fill Series options
  • Configure data validation

Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting And Filtering

  • Create custom conditional formatting rules
  • Create conditional formatting rules that use formulas
  • Manage conditional formatting rules

Create And Modify Custom Workbook Elements

  • Create custom color formats
  • Modify fonts
  • Insert Form Controls
  • Create and modify cell types
  • Create and modify custom themes
  • Create and modify simply macros
  • Configure form controls

Prepare A Workbook For Internationalization

  • Display data in multiple international formats
  • Apply international currency formats
  • Manage multiple options for +Body and +Heading fonts

Create Advanced Formulas

Perform Data Analysis And Business Intelligence

  • Import, transform, combine, display, and connect to data
  • Consolidate data
  • Perform what-if analysis by using Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
  • Use cube functions to get data out of the Excel data model
  • Calculate data by using financial functions

Troubleshoot Formulas

  • Trace precedence and dependence
  • Monitor cells and formulas by using the Watch Window
  • Validate formulas by using error checking values
  • Evaluate formulas
  • Calculate data by using financial functions

Format And Modify Text By Using Functions

  • Format text by using RIGHT, LEFT, and MID functions
  • Format text by using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions

Apply Functions In Formulas

  • Perform logical operations by using AND, OR, and NOT functions
  • Perform logical operations by using nested functions
  • Perform statistical operations by using SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, AND COUNTIFS functions

Look Up Data Using Functions

  • Look up data by using the VLOOKUP
  • Look up data by using the HLOOKUP function
  • Look up data by using the MATCH function
  • Look up data by using the INDEX function

Apply Advanced Date And Time Functions

  • Reference the date and time by using the NOW and TODAY functions
  • Serialize numbers by using date and time functions

Perform Data Analysis And Business Intelligence

  • Import, transform, combine, display, and connect to data
  • Consolidate data
  • Perform what-if analysis by using Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
  • Use cube functions to get data out of the Excel data model
  • Calculate data by using financial functions

Troubleshoot Formulas

  • Trace precedence and dependence
  • Monitor cells and formulas by using the Watch Window
  • Validate formulas by using error checking values
  • Evaluate formulas
  • Calculate data by using financial functions

Format And Modify Text By Using Functions

  • Format text by using RIGHT, LEFT, and MID functions
  • Format text by using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions

Define Named Ranges And Objects

  • Name cells
  • Name data ranges
  • Name tables
  • Mange named ranges and objects

Create Advanced Charts And Tables

Create Advanced Charts

  • Add trend lines to charts
  • Create dual axis charts
  • Save a chart as a template

Create And Manage Pivot Tables

  • Create PivotTables
  • Modify field selections and options
  • Create slicers
  • Group PivotTable data
  • Reference data in a PivotTable by suing the GETPRIVOTDATA function
  • Add calculated fields
  • Format data

Create And Manage Pivotcharts

  • Create Pivot Charts
  • Manipulate options in existing Pivot Charts
  • Apply styles to Pivot Charts
  • Apply Styles to Pivot Charts
  • Manipulate options in existing Pivot Charts
  • Apply styles to pivot Charts
  • Drill down into PivotChart details

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