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Course Overview

ASP.NET extends the .NET developer platform with tools and libraries specifically for Building web apps. ASP.NET is an open source web framework, created by Microsoft, for building modern web apps and services with .NET. ASP.NET is cross platform and runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker.

Visual Studio Ide

  • Visual Studio Features
  • External tools addition in Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio .NET debugging environment
  • Using debugging tools provided by the IDE
  • Local Window
  • Watch window
  • Breakpoints

Data Types In C#

  • params Keyword
  • out, ref keyword
  • const and readonly keyword
  • Dynamic Dispatch
  • DLR
  • Named and Optional Argument
  • Indexed Properties
  • Task parallel Library
  • Covariance and Contravariance

Delegates & Events In C#

  • Concept of single cast and multicast delegate
  • Concept of events
  • Sample application using the concept of event and delegates

Memory Management In C#

  • Garbage Collection Overview
  • Sample application using Garbage collection

Collection & Generics In C#

  • Collection overview
  • ArrayList
  • Hashtable
  • Stack
  • Generic Collections and Methods Overview
  • List
  • Dictionary
  • NameValue Collection

Errors And Exception Handling In C#

  • Exception Handling Overview
  • Sample application using Exception Handling
  • Custom Exceptions

Threading In C#

  • Understanding Threads
  • Life Cycle of a thread
  • Synchronizing Threads
  • Using Synchronization objects
  • Using Thread Pool
  • Need for Multi threaded applications

Parallel Programming

  • Implement multithreading and asynchronous processing
  • Use the Task Parallel library (ParallelFor, Plinq, Tasks)
  • Use the Task Parallel library (ParallelFor, Plinq, Tasks)
  • Create continuation tasks
  • Spawn threads by using ThreadPool
  • Unblock the UI
  • Use async and await keywords
  • Manage data by using concurrent collections
  • Manage Multithreading “Synchronize resources
  • Implement locking
  • Cancel a long-running task
  • Implement thread-safe methods to handle race conditions
  • Create and implement events and callbacks “Create event
  • handlers
  • Subscribe to and unsubscribe from events
  • Use built-in delegate types to create events

Create Delegates,Lambda Expressions Anonymous Methods

  • Lambda expressions
  • Inferred local type declarations, Implicitly typed local variables

Find, Execute, And Create Types At Runtime By Using Reflection

  • Generate code
  • Reflection overview
  • Dynamically loading an Assembly

At Runtime By Using Codedom And Lambda Expressions

  • CodeDom overview
  • Sample application using CodeDom

Manage Assemblies Create Winmd Assembly

  • Sample application using WinMD

Serialize And Deserialize Data “Json Serializer, And Data

Contract Serializer

  • Serialization and Deserialization Overview
  • JSON serializer Sample
  • DataContract Serializer

Working With Linq

  • Understanding the LINQ Framework
  • LINQ Providers
  • LINQ to Objects
  • LINQ to SQL
  • IEnumerable and IQueryable
  • interfaces
  • System.Linq namespace
  • Query Expressions
  • from
  • where
  • order by
  • select
  • join
  • aggregate
  • LINQ to SQL
  • LINQ to SQL architecture
  • Entity Classes
  • Defining the Data Model classes

Introducing Distributed System

  • Microsoft connected systems
  • The move towards services
  • Service design philosophies
  • SOAP-based services
  • RESTful services
  • Service-orientation and SOA
  • Communication framework

Elements Of Wcf Communication

  • Introduction to WCF
  • Benefits of WCF
  • ABC of WCF
  • Address
  • Binding
  • Contract

State Management &

  • View State
  • Session State
  • Application State of ASP.NET
  • Collection Class and Preserve Object
  • Data Access Concepts
  • ADO.NET Namespaces
  • ADO.NET Object Models
  • Reader Concept
  • Exploring the Heterogeneous Collection of Objects in Memo-
  • Data binding with ADO.NET
  • GridView Concept
  • Configuration files

Introducing Wpf & Xaml

  • The Evolution of Windows Graphics
  • The Architecture

Control Templates

  • Overview
  • Logical Trees
  • Visual Trees
  • Creating Control Templates
  • Organizing Template Resources
  • Building More Complex Templates
  • Visual States

Data Views

  • The View Object
  • Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping
  • Lists, Grids, and Trees
  • DataGrid

Enhancing Performance Using Ajax

  • Asp.Net Unobtrusive Ajax
  • Setting Ajax Options
  • Creating Ajax Links
  • Working with Ajax Callbacks
  • Case Study

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